Commercial Growth Remains Despite Disaster

20-Sep-2011 23:17:48 Share this:

NAI Global have recently released the 2011 mid-year Market Report which reveals that, in a year where we have witnessed some of the largest natural disasters ever recorded, the Asia Pacific region continues to lead the world in terms of economic growth, investment and employment.

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Australia, Nai Harcourts - Commercial

NAI Harcourts' Albany properties prove popular investment

22-Aug-2011 23:35:43 Share this:

Two Albany properties were sold under the hammer by NAI Harcourts in their North Shore auction rooms in Mairangi Bay last Thursday.

13D Douglas Alexander Parade, in Albany’s Rosedale Industrial Estate, was sold for $851,000 returning over a 7.5% yield for the new investor. The property has a new three year lease to Zodiac New Zealand Ltd and is further secured by a HSBC Bank Guarantee. Previously occupied by Cedar Corp Canada Ltd, this 618m2 building has a low 17% office warehouse ratio and a large yard area attached. Zodiac quickly secured the property when it became vacant.

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Nai Harcourts - Commercial

NAI Harcourts Market Leader (NZ, August 2011)

17-Aug-2011 02:20:26 Share this:

Read the latest NAI Harcourts Market Leader newsletter (NZ, August 2011).

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Industry Update, Newsletters, Nai Harcourts - Commercial

Hitting growth targets for 2016

09-Aug-2011 23:57:09 Share this:

Harcourts acknowledged the successes of its top performing Northern Sales Consultants in the Harcourts Quarterly Awards 2011/2012 ceremony last week reporting growth aligned with strategies for the northern region real estate market.

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Industry Update, Property Management, Newsletters, Residential, Nai Harcourts - Commercial

C-III Capital Partners to Acquire NAI Global

24-Jun-2011 04:12:36 Share this:

C-III Capital Partners LLC (C-III) announced today that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire NAI Global, the largest premier network of independent commercial real estate firms worldwide.

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Australia, Nai Harcourts - Commercial